Unless otherwise declared by you and accepted by MissQuote.ie, you agree that the following assumptions are accurate. If you cannot agree to these assumptions we will be unable to provide you with an online quote.
When deciding what private car insurance we can offer to you and the premium required for same, we make a number of assumptions about you, your car, the previous driving & claims history of you and anyone else who will be insured under your policy and the accuracy of the information that you have provided to us.
It is important that you fully read, understand and acknowledge these assumptions. If we become aware that you have failed to satisfy these assumptions, we may withdraw our offer and/or change the premium or level of cover which we have previously offered to you. If the policy has already incepted, we may void the contract of insurance and, in the event of an accident occurring, you may not have cover in place.
Important notice: material facts and non-disclosure
You have a continuous duty to disclose all material facts to us. Your failure to disclose a material fact(s) could result in your contract being invalidated or cancelled, a claim not being paid or difficulty in obtaining insurance in the future. Material facts are those facts which might influence our acceptance or assessment of your application for motor insurance. If you are in doubt as to whether a fact is material you should disclose it to us.
In offering you a private car insurance quote via our website, we assume the following:
The vehicle for which insurance cover is sought:
You and any other person(s) driving the car:
* if you are in doubt as to whether a conviction is deemed spent under this act, we strongly recommend that you seek guidance from a qualified legal professional, as failure to answer this question correctly could result in your insurance contract being invalidated or cancelled.
The no claims discount (ncd) disclosed by you in the course of obtaining the quotation:
If you have gained your driving experience in another country or has expired over the 2 (two) years please call our helpline for a quote. 012319350
Please note that you will be required to provide us with proof of your no claims discount and/or named driving experience from the relevant insurer of that insurance policy.
The premium quotation provided by us: